Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fall is for Squirrels - Kelly

Fall is for squirrels. The joyous abundance of nuts falling off the trees.. makes them want to dance. You've seen them move- with the ease and lightness of Astaire. Their swooping tails like the chiffon of Ginger's dress...  strike up the band with some sweeping melody and watch the show. It's pretty colorful! I love Autumn.

You can see the squirrels dance more over on my BLOG


  1. How sweet!…your illustration of the squirrel love-bugs is very good.

  2. Those squirrels are awesome dancers. Nice art too!

  3. Thanks so much! I coudn't stop drawing them... or watching Fred and Ginger clips on you tube. We recently watched "Top Hat" with our 11 yr old daughter. - That dancing sucked her in too. Complete joy.

  4. Such a great approach to fall! It's so true about squirrels and Autumn. We have some sweet little guys running through our trees all the time and I love watching them. That's great your daughter appreciated some classic, fabulous Fred and Ginger!
