Thursday, September 22, 2011

"Teacher Pet" - Kelly

 I took the " 'S " out. From teacher's Pet- to - Teacher Pet, and played fast and loose with this week's theme. I had the same idea as D, a teacher who was a monster... with normal kid. I spent 4 days this past week cleaning out my studio. I found a lot of old sketches - this being one of them. I went back into it a bit to come up with this idea.

When eighth graders in MR. Hopper's biology class are faced with dissecting frogs, vegetarian Harper Brody is a conscientious objector.  Mr. Hopper, a man of science, threatens to fail her. Lucky for her, her science partner, Matt Fulford (who is crushing on her) is the son of the wealthiest man in town who owns the Pharmaceutical company at the top of the hill. Matt will use any diabolical means necessary to get Harper to go to the eighth grade dance with him. Taking the class on a tour of the lab - He merges their science teacher with a frog.

Mr. Hopper never saw them coming.

Chaos, adventure,weird science, animal rights and young, crazy love ....   sounds like a good book, huh?


  1. Mr. Hopper! Hahhhaa! Oh, this is so great! The expressions on your character's faces are always spot-on! Well done!

  2. Haha!! Fabulous Kelly! You've got such a great imagination!!

  3. Great illustration…you have a great imagination!

  4. I always look forward to your post, Kelly. You tell great stories and of course your characters are so alive. You are a talent and I agree, so imaginative!

  5. I'm telling ya, you need to be putting together a MG portfolio! This scene is right out of one of those crazy stories! :) Love the facial expressions and the composition is so fab.
