Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Labor Day - Heather

In celebration of the hard working artisans who make a living doing what they love!

This is for a dummy book about beads.  It's a story inspired by how I make my living at the moment.


  1. I was going to say, "Art imitating life!" I love that you're going forward with this dummy. :)Lots of great little details in your piece: the decals on the banner, the acorn bag, and of course the wares being sold! Fun stuff, Heather!

  2. I can't wait to see this book!!! I luv that you are taking what you luv and combining it with another thing you luv- and sharing the luv. It's all you- I luv it.

  3. Such a great scene here. I agree, it is wonderful that you are combining your loves, and it's true what "they" say, write what you know. This is going to be so cute and I can't wait to see the finished product.
