Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Back To School Supplies

I don't know about you, but for me back-to-school was always about the school supplies, never the clothes. I reveled in the smell of new pencils and paper, agonized over which kinds of pens I wanted to use...color coordinated my spirals w/ the binders they'd accompany.  Yeah, I was a big time supply nerd.  When I became a teacher, it didn't get any better.  I practically skipped down the halls on the day the principal handed us the office supply catalogue to choose what we'd need to restock our classrooms for the year.  Oh, man was THAT fun!

Now I have no excuse to be lusting over the supplies in stores...my babies are too young for that.  But that feeling still hasn't gone away.  However....there is the art supply store with its inks, paints, pencils, papers....oh my, oh my!


  1. She's a cute skunk- and that's a great animal to choose when drawing about odors! I like the Mr. Sketch smelly markers- I always had a blue dot on the end of my nose from smelling the blueberry one.- I was probably stoned from it too.

  2. I remember those! I remember fighting over those in elementary school in art class. :) No one wanted the black one=licorice!

  3. Velvet pencils were my favorites! I also had a fondness for the smell of paste! The smelly markers were the best... do they even make them anymore???

  4. Oh, I loved going back to school time. I loved the new clothes (sorry, it's true) and supplies... Oh Trapperkeeper, how I loved you and your many little nooks and crannies for keeping my papers put... will it be the Hardy Boys or Scooby-Doo, I know not.

    And I totally feel the same way in the art supply stores!! Great post!! I love your huffing little skunk! :)

  5. kindred spirits! i also love breathing in the scent of freshly sharpened pencils!! and another beautiful aroma is the pink pearl easers! Reminds me of my 5th grade teacher helping me understand the math...

  6. Really love the expression you've created here, Diandra!
    Could tell immediately that she was delightedly inhaling the smell of her new pencils!!

  7. Very cute and nostalgic post Diandra! It takes me back :o). I agree, the new supplies where the best. I like the angle you chose for the composition on your sweet skunk girl. It brings the viewer into the picture and is almost dreamy.

  8. I'm with you - nothing like new supplies!!! Adorable sketch and heck yeah, who doesn't love that brand new school supply smell? I'm guilty of picking up a few art supplies this week when we were shopping for school supplies.

  9. I can so relate!! I do NOT enjoy back-to-school clothes shopping, but I get giddy when it comes to school supplies. My absolute favorite is a brand new box of crayons. My sister and I always wanted the gianormous box with the built-in sharpener. Mmmmm, they smell so heavenly. Now that I work in a preschool, I get to open brand new boxes of crayons and fresh tubs of Play-doh on the first day of school. The day goes downhill from there, because there are plenty of smells that ain't so grand . . . just sayin'. (I work with 3 year olds.)

    I love your skunky, Diandra! :)
